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choose winners of COK Fan-Story

發表於 29-5-2015 10:06:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

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發表於 29-5-2015 10:40:42 | 只看該作者
It was a time.. I was alone.. I was rank4 on the alliance, but I felt more bad than Leader when peoples was hitting us.. Kingdom 332.
Leader didn't care, I cared more than everyone.. Every single day, I wake up, I go in game... I see peoples mad.. Peoples who are ready to.. REVENGE! They know, I know that this game is based on real, when long time ago, castles was fighting with each other, inicent peoples died.. Died just because someone wanted resources to upgrade his castle, to make the castle richer. Every single day.. I can't imagine it.. In our alliance, there was peoples.. peoples who loved this game with spirit and heart, peoples who would do everything to revenge.. Revenge is the answer.. We couldn't take it anymore.. Members started to make power, but they lost it in some days when the other alliances hited at us.. We couldn't take it anymore... I couldn't take it anymore.. I was and I am addicted on this game.. I just wanted for my members to be happy, to be happy that we will win other alliances one time.. It was their dream, It was my dream... Some of members quited... Some of them didn't give up! They still started to make power, to raise a good power but then.. What happened then? They lost it... But they didn't give up, I didn't give up! We had a reason! The reason our dream. We wanted to win the battle with some alliances.. But one day... One day this happened..
I woke up, washed my hands, took a bath.. But I heard a notification from Cok on phone.. I saw that peoples are hitting us. This time they rallied each of us! They rallied already all our members.. It was a battle for hours! I was the onliest one with big power in alliance. I didn't know what to do.. I didn't know how to help them.. They was far away from me.. MIT alliance was hitting us without stopping.. So, I bought an Advanced Teleport and I teleported to MIT hive... I told to the alliance that I am there now.. One of them was so surprised, he never thought that I could do that.. But I did... Feelings are feelings.. I felt bad.. I felt bad that when my members train, someone else hit them.. They are spending their time on everything to be poweful! But the power is not everything! Time is.. They spended time... A lot of time.. So, my time camed.. I told to them, to be ready, to put their shields on and to watch...

I hited each of them until I lost all my power I had.. I hited each of them only to tell to them, that we DON'T GIVE UP! You can hit us everyday, but we will not give up! We are soldiers! Real soldiers, DON'T GIVE UP. One time, revenge will come.
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發表於 29-5-2015 10:41:07 | 只看該作者
I take this opportunity to share with you about my memories of this game which I never forget in my life. And I hope that this story will be reached by my sweetheart.
As other players, I know and play Clash Of King when I was bored and would like to looking for a certain game to relax.
I used to played many games so I learned how to play this game very fast. Sometime I felt nothing special from this game gives me...
Until one day I know an other special player from the same alliance in surprise. because in that alliance (english), only me and her is Vietnamese.
perhaps for that reason that we have become very close and understand each other very quickly. we were together every day to play and share with each other all that happens in this game.
Then one day we suddenly realized that we were in love and can not live without each other.
I am living in Vietnam and she is in usa .. we have encountered challenges in time and space. however we are still madly in love and nothing can stop us from being at that time.
Then we shared each other everything in our real life, not only game any more. And on Valentine Day 2015 I proposed to her from this game and we've shared our relationship with our friends through facebook..We used to have an idea to ask Game admin to help us make the valentine event for some couple like us to have chance to show our love in thí game.
In love, everyone have to get the challenges and we had to faced with many challenges in our relationships ..
Currently we have love and play the game together for 6 months..va Our relationship has turned into a different direction more difficult. but we still love each other...

If having a other chance I would like to share with you part 2 of this story since we engaged ...

I take this opportunity to let my Angel (lover) to know that, my love for her is pure and forever.
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發表於 29-5-2015 10:46:04 | 只看該作者
A bit of a dramatic retelling of the fall of my old alliance, right before I joined my current one. Hope you guys enjoy it!

User: Zeonn
Alliance: (VIK) The Vikings
Kingdom: 293


The wind blew bitterly in these mountains. It was so quiet . I could hear nothing but my own heaving breaths, a muffled silence in the wake of the settling white. A black plume of smoke rose steadily from the crest of the peak where Castle Mayfaire lay in ruin. To think that only hours before I had stood there, overlooking the breadth of our armies gathered in this very valley, aching for war. Our time of glory never came. Instead, I had woken in the middle of the night to the battle cries of foreign invaders, run to the window to see the doorstep of my keep bathed in the blood of my men. A message came minutes later from allies to the north. Our King had abandoned us. Our contingents were scattered. All was lost.

As the freezing wind bit through to my bones I closed my eyes and remembered.

The sun had risen coldly on that day. Nothing stirred in the air. The messenger birds were restless in their cages. But the unsettling air of this place wasn’t uncommon in times of war.

There were nine of us in the alliance council, nine lords with their respective keeps and armies. Our King sat at the head of the convention, discussing plans for the impending siege of a neighboring kingdom. Skeptical of their plans, I hung back to watch and listen. Several of our keeps had warned earlier of enemy activity from the west, over the ridge. They had seen more than their share of fighting. I didn’t think it wise for their warnings to be overlooked. But the King was adamant. Our keeps needed the resources, and our current territory was becoming too crowded. Even the common man could see we needed to take action, and soon.

And so, it was decided we would launch a surprise offensive on our western rival. I was to send out the orders to every keep. We would launch our attack at dawn.

When dawn finally came, I never thought I would witness it from the floor of this valley as my keep burned down behind me and my few surviving men scattered in all directions, blind with terror. I used my dented weapon to brace myself as I rose slowly to my feet. My left forearm had been crushed inside its armor from the blow of an enemy berserker. It was unlikely I would ever use it again, if I managed to make it out of this graveyard alive. The sun was rising steadily but it grew only colder. The wind picked up. I shivered numbly, half thankful the cold took the edge off my injuries enough for me to keep my head.

In the distance, I could see the enemy carting away their siege equipment, carts loaded up with what they had looted from us. Our banners, stained black with blood, lay trampled in the snow.
It made me angry. Of all the things I could be feeling. Terror. Humiliation. Helplessness. I glared murderously at the abandoned corpses around me was infuriated.

We had been betrayed. By our allies. By our King…

I slumped to my knees with a heavy sigh.

…By ourselves.

I spied a single surviving bird perched obediently on the broken haft of a pike sticking out of the snow. Its dark, intelligent eyes met mine. It waited for an order.

In a fit of desperation I snatched the parchment tied to its leg and scribbled a virtually unintelligible message on the other side with a peace of the charred wooden pike.

To whoever receives this, my alliance has been destroyed. I need revenge. I can pull my own weight. Awaiting reply.

I tied the parchment to the bird and screamed at the thing to fly with every molecule of air left in my body. It took off, growing smaller and smaller against the rising sun. And darkness slowly encroaching on my vision.

Just before I passed out, I saw figures approaching at the mouth of the valley. Their banner was an iron hammer on a black field. Beneath it, a white flag of peace. One of them held his hand out to me as I slipped away into unconsciousness.
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發表於 29-5-2015 10:46:21 | 只看該作者
The Night was Cold.... Real Cold. Not the kind of Cold that you could Shake off with a pint of Mead. No, it was a Wet Cold. It Chilled you as if your Soul could Freeze solid if you stayed in one spot for too long.
So there we sat, around the camp Fires. You could here people Singing to themselves. Some were singing of War Victory, others sang of Home. I'm Pretty sure I Heard Combatica from a fellow alliance singing Kumbaya songs.....not sure though.
We waited around the Fires. Waited for others to gather.

Sneezy: Where is he?
Thor: Who?
Sneezy: Nakaz. He was supposed to be here Hours ago.
Shelton: Probably Lurking around the fires, He does that.
Subtle End: Most Likely Burning a couple castles before the big war. It's like he doesn't Stop.... Ever!! He'll Be here.

I Was sitting at a fire made by Pesh along with others of our Alliance. No one really knows why he calls himself "Pesh",, seems like a funny name. But then again "Curugul" is a weird name to have too, so I guess I can't poke fun. I had just finished Shaving my Head, I'm talking about the one on my Neck. I Look around to see familiar Faces and I catch Sneezy Staring at Me. No, he's staring at my Bald Head. Strange that a Grown man has Such a fascination over Bald Heads.

Curugul: What are you Staring at Sneezle?
Sneezy: It's So Bright!!! And Shiny!!! It's like a perfect Night Light!!
Curugul: Well this Night Light has Elbows, and I'll jam them into your side If you keep it up.....
Sneezy: Ooooo.... I Like Elbows, preferably Left Elbows.....
Curugul: your a Nut

Chain mail Armour has a strange but Profound sound when thousands of solders are shivering in them from the cold. It was a constant rumble of metal. As if the Armour was calling for a Storm to come for a visit.
Cozee sits next to me, Shivering.

Cozee: Well at Least it's not raining..
Rain: I like the rain, it helps to keep the Monsters away from my Castle
Curugul: You Let me Know when that lvl 16 monster Shows up, I'll have our Leader Hells take Care of him... He handles all of my Light Work.
Purr: yea, We won't let those "Peeping Toms" bother you, Rain or Shine!!
IronMan: Cur could just Heckle them to death.... He won't even have to use a single troop!!!
(VIP9) Nakaz: Hey Guys!!! What's Up?

Nakaz always has his VIP status on.. It's like he Branded it to his forehead..

Sneezy: Alright!!! Let's get this war Going!!
Shelton: has anyone figured out what the Global circumstance of war is and how we can prevent farming of Resources to be the determining factor of leveling up our castles and training our troops yet!?
Curugul: ( Scratches his Bald Head ) I Have Know Clue What the Heck you Just Asked Shelt!!!!
Chase: Let's Just all Attack Sneezy!! While he's not Looking....
Sneezy: My Own Troops attack me already... I can Barely keep them fed.. Don't you have Farms to Hoe!? I can't smell the Poo from your Castle anymore, Chase!! XD
Chase: My Troops are too busy Spying on your Woman!! You really should pay your Troops More Sneezy, they're Slacking!!

At This Point, we have all warmed up a Bit. Laughter helps to keep the spirits up, not to mention your Body tempature.
Hells, our Brave a Fearless King, shows up with a Dasterdly Grin on his Face. He Knows we are Cold, and Tired of Waiting. Mostly, we are just tired of Waiting. We have been Anticipating for the Night of the Great War. The War to take control of the Kingdom Throne. It was Controlled by others Before us.. But Now... Now it was our Turn... Now it was Our Destiny. Now it was....... Raining!?? Aw, man... Now we are mostly Cold Again....

Hells: I sent you all a mail about the strategy we are taking. Did everyone read it?

We all replied in different variations, those who didn't were just Lurking the whole time.... Those dang Lurkers!!

Hells: We Attack in Five. Everyone knows their places?
Sneezy: I've got the North Catapult!!
Hells: No, you have the South Catapult. Purr has the North Catipult.
Sneezy: ok.
Purr: I'm ready Hells.
Hells: Good
Sneezy: so I'm going for the East Catapult.
Hells: No,, your,, forget it... Just Attack
Curugul: ( Lifts up his Kilt and shows his War Painted Nether Regions ) WWAARRRRRRR!!!!!!!

The War Begins, Nearly every Member in the Alliance is Fighting. The Marches sound like Roaring Thunder. The Light from the breaking of Dawn Flashes off our Armour and Shields like Lightening ready to Strike at anything moving.
IronMan was more Impressive with his Armour than anyone else on the Battle Field. This was because he was Obsessed with Shining his Armour every night before Bed. I've even seen him hold a contest once to find the best Polisher in the kingdom, just to make them be his personal Armour polisher worker.... He has Issues with that...
During the Grueling Battle, words were Exchanged and hearts were Broken. Castles were destroyed and troops lost. I'm pretty sure I saw a few that went into the Fetal Position. Something about "Wanting Mommy".
The war was over. Blood swirled in the Puddles of Water Created by the Heavens. As if Hell itself Just passed through and left its mark on the Beautiful landscape.
We Held the Throne. It was a Glorious Victory. Allies of our Alliance Cheered, Haters just kept on Hating. We Cursed no one. We just enjoyed the victory. A Party was Thrown, Announcements were made and all were invited. Kingdom Chat was Buzzing.
When the blood washed away and the new day was Born, Hells Passed out his Plunder. Awarded those who served him Well. He Patted Sneezy on the head.


I Pledge alliagence to the alliance of FATAL TENSHI and to the People's for which it stands. One Alliance, Indivisible, with Protection and Justice for all. ---- KING Francois

This Story is dedicated to all of my Friends of the (WOT) FATAL TENSHI Alliance and to All of those who are a part of the Kingdom#115. Thank you all for being there for me during my hard times. You are true friends. I Wish you all the Best of Luck in Life and I Hope you keep Smiling even through your Toughest Times Because you helped me to do that!!!!
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發表於 29-5-2015 10:49:37 | 只看該作者
It was new beginning, for me, and my friends. We had just begun our adventure in Kingdom 274, and all was going well. Wood, food and even gold flooded our pocket; we thought we were unstoppable. However, we were wrong. Incredibly wrong. Before we knew it our alliance, The Red Python, had fallen to it's knees. This is my story..

It was an beautiful morning in the land of Kingdom 274, all our buildings had been upgraded to level 6 and the troops we had started to train the night before had finished their training. Our leader, Activa, had announced we would move our base to a more secure location, to the south east, in hopes to escape the higher level players. After doing so, we had all teleported together near the same location. We were like brothers in arms, we made sure we'd look out for each other, even if it would cost us our supplies and troops. We were comrades - no we were an Alliance! Our journey past level 6 had just begun. And boy, was it exciting.

Hours later, after we had teleported to our new area, we began settling in. We marked out all the potential enemy players and shared out all the farms and gold mines around us. Our new area had become our home - and we had no intention of abandoning it. We were safe. Or so we thought...

To our surprise, a new person had spawned close to us, much later. His castle shone bright blue and gold, and
immediately we knew he wasn't an ordinary player. He was a level 15, and his name read "Bitterstahl". Our whole alliance feared him. We knew, just from looking at his power levels, he could destroy our whole alliance, single-handed. And so... He did.

He had begun his attack, and sent out 3 armies to me, Angel Guardz and Activa. Our troops and supplies were wiped out like leaves from a dead tree. Our leader, Activa was furious. He had knew, that this. Meant. War.

The next day, Bitterstahl had been idle, giving us the chance to plan our next attack. We gathered hundreds - almost thousands of troops during that one day and we had discussed that we'd rally all of us up for an attack. However, it wasn't that simple. Upon scouting him, we had seen that he had over twelve thousand defense troops, almost much more than we'd have, even if we rallied together. It seemed like we had almost no chance.. Was this the end of Red Python as we knew it?

No. We couldn't back down. Now we had seen truly what harsh enemies Kingdom 274 had hidden away from us. We were blind during the early levels - too over confident. But now we know, that we, were small fry compared to it all. And even then, we were ready to stare it down, and fight back. We. Will. Succeed!

Much later, after noticing Bitterstahl was online again, we were ready. I had told our leader, Activa, to provoke Bitterstahl and to challenge him into a battle, since he was the strongest out of all of us. He thought I was insane, but even then, he trusted me.

Bitterstahl accepted with haste, and was sure he'd win. He thought wrong. He sent all of his troops towards Activa, oblivious to the rest of us. We all then took our attack buffs and rallied against his castle. One factor of his weakness we identified was simply his lack of traps. The only thing stopping us from attacking him was his army of men, and when they were gone, we charged in. All our buffs we had purchased from the merchant and earned from events were finally in play. Our troops charged in frenzy of swords, and before we knew it, we had won at last. Both our supplies and Red Pythons' pride and joy!

Before we knew it, everything had turned back to normal. Bitterstahl had teleported away in anger, and we were all sure that he'd never come back again. We all cheered for our victory, as we were sure that this would be the first for many to come..
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